"Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown" - Author Unknown -

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I just really want to be with You. Could we meet? Where would we meet Jesus? Actually I would love to ask You about the man. A friend had some wonderings about this man. You and I have talked over it a bit now and although I still remain not knowing who this is I am okay with that.
Nevertheless I am so glad it was brought up for this is one of those things that I haven't learned yet... how to followup on moments You give me. This also brought to my mind the first time that You asked me to pray for someone... that I had no clue who he was... and although when I realized that; it totally freaked me out, at the end of it I was so very honored. I couldn't explain the depth I felt, of how significant it was cause I knew I didn't understand it fully... but I did share it with a few and I was so full of thankfulness that I 'just obeyed' and followed Your leading, and was allowed this opportunity... and it was such as honor as I said before.
So I want to ask again... how is he?
Sitting on the rock outside the village, I see the man and he isn't inside all alone and hidden... he is working outside his hut. He is very involved and doesn't see us, he is working around the beauty that he sees in Your creation... the small plants and flowers taking care to use what he sees to show off what You quietly put there to bless the one that takes the time to see it. He has even fashioned a walk up to his front door. It is becoming a most inviting place... even now while he works industriously but in such peace his door sits slightly ajar. He is awaiting You isn't he? I look at You and as You smile down into my eyes I see such a look of delight and anticipation of each moment You get to spend with him. Oh the joy bubbling out of Your heart for him! That he not only is getting You and wanting to meet with You but that he is working out of the overflow of what You are growing in him... he is living in anticipation and desire of these times with You that he cannot help but show it through what he does both to ready for the next time and in processing what You leave with him each meeting ... the time when change is turning and rolling and becoming within. That open door is more significant than I first realized isn't it? He wants You more than the regular visits... he wants to be surprised by You and how better to receive this blessing than to leave the door open ... awaiting and ready. A thought just came to me... that this isn't me I thought... does he have sandals on? And that took me back to the river. The time when I wasn't hearing what You were speaking and putting within him. A change happened to him in these moments and I think that noticing that his feet were now in sandals signalled that to me ... it was such a blaring and clear but seemingly random thing to notice but now I think it was telling me that something had taken place. A significant life changing thing. Hmmmm. But he isn't wearing them right now... he is barefoot. He loves to feel the rich forest earth beneath his feet as he works and digs it up and clears away. It is cool and the scent of the earth , so full of life and as a source for growth , never seems to slip by him unnoticed. It, at times, wafts up almost intoxicating. Bringing to his mind You... and time with You. It isn't hard and packed but is almost soft and spongy beneath his steps. Where are his sandals Jesus? They are inside hanging on a hook by the door. (laugh) I bet you wonder where his goes. LOL yes! Now that You mention it... wow.. as soon as You said it I saw him on rock and up very high... a journey not taken with ease. It is a long and hot and dry journey with little to ease it but it affords such beauty in the surroundings, in the view. Wow this is the man who sat all alone in his hut... hiding and dying in his wounds of brokenness and pain. Sitting in the dark. Who was he going to see on this journey? Was it someone? I didn't tell him when I sent him out... I am teaching him to see.... Me. Hmmmmm. Will I get the honor of praying for him again... I wonder? I wonder now also about the rest of the village. Who else is out there? But this time is done for now isn't it? I feel that and I guess I want to end this with asking for myself that You would help me process this myself and learn and see and hear. Prepare my heart Jesus for what is next. I love You Jesus. I look up into Your eyes again and can't wait to return. LOL.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you pursued this further...even if just for my own curiousity. I found myself reading it like a novel I can't put down. I want to meet the man...to know him and to know what he has seen first hand. To hear his story of how Jesus has come into his life. So cool. Amazing to think that he may have traveled this journey, in part thanks to your obedient intercession, but may never know you or that you were praying for him. I wonder if a stranger has ever prayed for me? Imagine, one day you may meet him in heaven and just know it's him. Thanks for posting it Tam. I feel a love in my heart for this nameless man-Jesus' love.
