"Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown" - Author Unknown -

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hey Jesus it's me again in a new morning... and I must say I am really excited to come this morning because that man is on my heart. I am wondering how You are going to have me pray for him. Hmmmm. I know You can help me do this because You are not limited by anything so in turn You can have me pray unaware of what I think I need to know... I love that concept and the absolute dependence on You and Your Spirit in this call. Okay Jesus, I surrender myself today, this moment to be so completely Yours in anyway You ask.

As I sit and see this man I ask You.. what do You want me to see Jesus?
I want you to see that his eyes are downcast. So much that his head is bent down, almost always. I want you to see that he worries with his hands... they fiddle and move and are uneasy because they reflect something within. I want you to see where he sits. It is always in the middle of his hut. It is the closest he can get to the fire and unknown to his conscious mind it is the only spot that a ray of sunlight comes in at a certain time of day.. it hits him on his back. I want you to see that there is no sustenance in this hut. It is similar to the experience you had of finding lambs that had crawled into a small tight place... for security and comfort in the night... only to be caught there unable to get out.. and end up dying. This seemingly safe hidden place is not what it seems.. it is a place of dying. I am the Shepherd that is come to ease them out of these places.

Oh Holy and Merciful Shepherd of us all, my heart crys out to You... Jesus please let the walls of this man's heart crumble in the light of Your presence. Jesus let him hear You singing as Your come by his place of hiding and in the sound of Your voice let the tears of longing and brokenness break forth. When he laid down tonight, he laid with his face towards the east side of the hut which was unusual for him... his head to the north , feet to the south... he had not a pillow to ease him through the night. Sleep did not come and between willing his eyes closed for certain times they snapped open when he heard the snap of a twig from Your footfall just outside the hut. His ears strained... his body rigid with the fear and anticipation of what might be lurking so close to his walls. Then You began to mumble and whisper as You touched the walls ... the fear leaving his heart he is now overwhelmed with a desire to hear... then Your voice lifts up into a song that pierces through his soul. His senses reeling in shock of what they are indeed taking in... his tears start to fall and his heart near breaks as the desire to get up and put his hands on that wall come upon him. He cannot... he cannot will his body to move at all. He seems paralyzed in his state of awe and shock and the weight of the burdens he has covered his heart and soul with. While the sound of footfalls fade as You walk on He is left with a knowing that You have left a mark upon his hut. He looks with eyes that almost feel like they could pierce through the wall to see where Your hands were laid... In his heart he can feel the presence of something new, something that is light, something not his own.. He closes his eyes .. when they open up the next day he is shocked by two astounding sights.. there is a beam of sunlight breaking through a wall and it shines right upon his chest... and in this light the second sight of awe are his own hands... they are still... and they are (if only able) clutching at his heart. To protect and hang onto what was put there in the night.

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